Environmental jurisprudence in India: philosophy and practice

Environmental ethics had always been an inherent part of Indian religious percepts and philosophy. Man, nature relationship is at the centre of Vedic Vision and those sacred scriptures specifically talk about man’s responsibility to preserve his environment. Worship of nature-Sun, Moon, Earth, Air and Water was not merely primitive man’s response to the fear of the unknown but arose from the deep reverence shown to the forces of nature which sustained and preserved human life on earth. The Upanishads provide a vision of cosmic piety and harmony with the natural environment. The highest plenary existence mandates a balance of earth, water, vegetation and human life. However, 21st century is gong through rapidly advancing technology and fast growing economic system and increasing threat from its own activities. The ozone depletion, acid rain, toxic wastes, global warning, deforestation and loss of bio diversities are just few highlights of the development model sweeping across the globe. This thesis is a research on how far Indian philosophy is being incorporated in the provisions of various environmental laws and role of law, in materializing this Vedic vision.

Author: K.K. Sunitha
Published: 1 January 1999
Language(s): English
Content Type(s): Text
Region(s): Asia
Link: https://www.vpmthane.org/Publications/IndianPhilosophyItsRelevanceinthe21stCentury/K.K.Sunitha.pdf
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