Voices from Religions on Sustainable Development

Voices from Religions on Sustainable Development published by The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) brings together spiritual and religious insights from nine major world religions and one indigenous tradition on the five dimensions of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda: Planet, People, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership. It also has book chapters on three of the four Dharma-based religions, Buddhist, Hindu and Sikh – but conspicuously absent is the voice of the Jain, the fourth Dharma-based religion. The chapter on Buddhist traditions authored by Ha Vinh Tho, Parichart Suwanbubbha, and Phramaha Boonchuay Doojai articulates Buddhist values, concepts and practices such as compassion, the middle path, and the sufficiency economy as propounded by Late King Bhumipol Adulyadej of Thailand and gross national happiness (GNH) pioneered by Bhutan as contributors to sustainable development overall. The chapter on Hindu traditions authored by Anantanand Rambachan and Kezevino Vinu Aram, elaborates on Hindu values, concepts and practices such as karma, ahimsa (non-violence), dharma, moksha (liberation), daan (voluntary giving) and seeing divinity in nature and all sentient beings as contributing to the sustainable and ecologically sound planet. The chapter on Sikh traditions written by Dharam Singh Nihang Singh, Gurjeet Singh, Teerath Kaur, and Suneet Singh highlights Sikh values, concepts and practices such as being in tune with the Divine Will (or hukam), promoting equality and non-discrimination, valuing natural resources including water and air as public goods, helping the needy through langar and such, and seeing all humans as belonging to one family as essential to global sustainability and peaceful co-existence.

Author: Khushwant Singh; Judith Steinau Clark
Published: Select Date April 2017
Language(s): English
Content Type(s): Text
Region(s): Global
Link: https://www.partner-religion-development.org/fileadmin/Dateien/Resources/Knowledge_Center/Voices_from_Religions_on_Sustainable_Development_April2017_3rd_edition.pdf
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