We were not poor. We just didn’t have any money.

Poverty is not a thing people normally pursue. Riches are pursued; poverty is fled from, the faster, the better. Just look at how much of life today is engaged in the long flight from poverty, ending, if one is fortunate, somewhere near the middle or end of this incarnation.But what if the escape from being poor costs too much? What if one has to purchase freedom from penury with one’s peace of mind, creative freedom or simple happiness? Most people do just that. Working forty hours a week is no longer sufficient. Fifty or sixty hours a week is the common worker’s lot. Two jobs, sometimes three. Struggling, sacrificing, people do whatever is necessary to keep the dogs of destitution away from the door.In India, as in most traditional societies, there has always been another way.

Author: Himalayan Academy
Published: 1 May 1992
Language(s): English
Content Type(s): Text
Region(s): Asia
Link: https://www.hinduismtoday.com/magazine/may-1992/1992-05-we-were-not-poor-we-just-didn-t-have-any-money/
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