Four Women Icons From India’s Dharmic Tradition

Dharma Tradition(s): Hindu

SDG(s): SDG 5: Gender Equality

Author: Nithin Sridhar

Abstract: Women’s day is a day of celebration of womanhood and of showing respect, love and appreciation towards all women. In the Indian context, women were always honored for who they were, for their wisdom, courage, beauty, and sacrifice. There have always been women exemplars and role models. From Sita, Draupadi, Kunti or Mandodari in the Itihasas and Vedic Rishikas like Gargi and Maitreyi to Kshatriya women like Lakshmibai and Rudhramadevi or saints like Meera and Andal. They all represent various facets of womanhood and can serve as inspiration for generations of women to follow their inner calling towards self-actualization. Towards this end, in the present article, we look into life accounts of four women, who are less known, but whose lives are nevertheless as inspiring and instructive as those listed above. All the four women whose accounts are included were fiercely independent, freely pursued their own paths to self-actualization and never swayed away from their swadharma. While two of them were renunciates, the other two were householders.

Language(s): English

Published: 11 August 2021

Content Type(s): Text

Content Source(s): Media

Country(ies): India

Region(s): Asia


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